Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Zune. Zune. Zune

Welcome Zune!
Zune == Ipod ????

Microsoft is planning to enter the mp3/ video player domain with its new Zune player. The device is planned to include Wi-Fi connectivity for wireless Internet access, with the ability for users to transfer files wirelessly and share files between each other. It shall also have a 30GB hardisk drive, black, brown, and cotton color options, FM tuner, an all new easy-to-use interface with audio and video capabilities, upto 13 first party accerrories avlble at launch, and a 50% larger screen than the iPod with video (making it 3.75-inches -talking diagonal, and not areal).

"So what's Zune?
It's Microsoft's new, holistic approach to music and entertainment. And yes, this year, we'll be releasing a device as part of the project. Under the Zune brand, we're looking to build a community for connecting with folks, all to discover new music and entertainment."

The product is expected to be launched on Nov14th '06. And, I can't wait to get me hands on it!! hehe!

Is this abt Zune??
Yet another mysterious Microsoft product called "Alexandria" -- "mysterious" because they won't show what the product is, just that it's something that apparently runs on handhelds and laptops alike and that nimbly gathers large crowds of disaffected youth and buttoned-down adults, alike. The video closes with "The future of entertainment / summer 2006," fade to black. Here we go again.

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