Sunday, March 19, 2006

dimanche musings

Jus returned frm South Florida trip. My first big trip out of Gainesville. Had great fun at Daytona, Kennedy Space Center (Cape Canaveral), Miami and Orlando (and of course along the drive: I-95, 75 and 4).
daytona beach
In other news: -Bought a packet of Red Dark Chocolate from Walmart and gobbled it up so fast that it got me on a pseudo high and almost wreacked my brains off ;( [..typo done intentionally, its not meant to mean wreck; but to sound like it!!]
Then, the driver license fellow buffeted me off for not "stepping on the gas". These ppl conveniently have an option saying: "Did not listen to the examiner 2 or more times" to veto granting that paper to ppl they see .. whatever.
Univ starts back from Monday. cya spring break. Its been loads of fun! :D

Nice flashes... ;)
Bovine Freedom:
Buggin U:

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