Wednesday, October 19, 2005

DARPA Robot Challenge

Stanley wins in robot car race and nets $2 million prize
The Grand Challenge is an off-road robot competition devised by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) to promote research in the area of autonomous vehicles. The challenge consists of building a robot capable of navigating 175 miles through desert terrain in less than 10 hours, with no human intervention.

Stanford Racing - All videos here!!!

The Stanford Racing Team awarded 2 million dollars for being the first team to complete the 132 mile DARPA Grand Challenge course. Stanley finished in just under 6 hours 54 minutes and averaged over 19 miles per hours on the course.

Navigator, University of Florida's robot car drove at least 23 miles in the race across the desert Saturday before turning off a road and stopping for "unknown reasons"!!

DARPA Robot Challenge
Sebastian Thrun @Stanford AI Lab
UF Navigator Videos

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