Saturday, July 02, 2005

Wodehouse picks

{ Bachelors Anonymous }

'The toad beneath the harrow knows exactly where each tooth point goes. The
butterfly upon the road preaches contentment to the toad. Kipling. All very well for you to talk. You're a happy rollicking stage-dorrkeepepr without a care in the world.' Pickering

'My sympathies are with you,' Miss Dolby proceeded, softening. 'I wish you
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and I shall give three hearty
cheers if you come through, but I'm like the referee in a football game. He
can't take sides. He may want the boys in the pink shirts to clobber the lads in
the green with purple stripes, but he doesn't allow that to affect his
decisions. Same with me. I take my job religiously.'

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