Sunday, May 08, 2005

the sun shines bright

Sunday May8th 2005:

Had a wonderful day today.
Been to the airport to drop off bro. Hez off to IN’s financial capital in pursuit of daily bread. Anyways, then v took positions atop St. Thomas Mount to get a glimpse of the takeoff.
After 6good flyoffs (including 2 cargo-jumbo planes which were awesome to watch!!!), &at 12:40 noon the JET-A still hadn’t rolled onto the tarmac. Mom was world-weary, but then, what with the terrible heat atop the hill, one can’t expect anything better. However, at 1pm (after waiting for 2 landings- an IA and a JETA) the 9W988 (or congruent) took off!!!. We waved off and returned home stuffed full with Kadalaimittais and Green bananas.
POGO was rockin on with a solid movie today. Chity Chaty Bang Bang presented the Toymaker. It’s a pretty good musical drama kindaf movie, both entertaining and pleasant to watch. Later on, KIRAN TV featured DieHard2 in Malayalam(!!). I hve watched many of Bruce Wills rockers b4; but this one was a one-of-a-kind xperience with the mallu man -Bruce!!!
So, im dozing off contented for havin spent another of my dubious holidays’( I hrd abt some TQM re-exam crap yesterday, jamie’s given me a pretty good ;-[ scare –another of her cell’s rumour viruses, I suppose) worthwhile, scavenging in the wilderness of a boiled-over mega-metropolis.

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