Saturday, May 28, 2005

David Lodge Trilogy stinks!

Got a David Lodge Trilogy from the British Council here... (Changing Places, Small World, Nice Work). An aweful creation_it sucks big-time!

The book exposes a dizzy pursuit of knowledge -literary, commercial, romanesque and salacious -with unparalleled wit and insight. The academic patterns of US and UK are well depicted and compared, thoroughly reviewed and delightfully painted on 897 pages on yellow recyclable paper//

Lodge's wit _like that of Wodehouse, froths around and out of characters and is meant to be hugely enjoyable. I do agree that his novels engender a flowing sense of fun... however, they seem to be making more of a mockery of the entire educational system than putting forth the story of the role-swapping academics let loose in the international conference circuit. The depiction of profs and their academic lifestyle is unnecessarily lewd and calls for more refinement.

Overall, though the language is enlightening and the books might seem interesting for any academic planning to head westward, they soon loose out their charm... and the raunchiness purges out any of the reader’s interest from the vicinity of the "dazzling comic"(as reviewed by the NYT -BR)!!

One advice: pls dont struggle readin on till the climax (if you aren't able to bear the first few pgs)... itz the most disgusting ever!!!


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