Tuesday, May 25, 2004

MEE Proud 2b Indian

Hi all dummies 'n duffers in the big wide world,its time to pull the leg,.......
Incidentally, during my recent journey to Hyderabad(which I rapped through in 4days, I noticed several changes in the countryside(!!). Firstly, roads r really good everywhere(disregarding the fact that continuing construction throws exception @!!); and then to go on==> everyone on the buses, from the driver~to~the~mouse had a cellPhone. What,, mobiles kept ringing everywhere ('enum gans, void catch exception'>><<) and ppl kept giving instant updates as to their position .... something like a ..Human~Aided~GPS System(HAGPS -a gans refractory patent@!!). Well, things r developing fast .... however, thru the journey I had to face the brunt of the raging sun...
the gallant gladiator.... a gans attitude...

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